This work expands the continuous flexible process network model proposed by Bok et al. (2000) by incorporating various scenarios into the multiple periods. Combinations of linking constraints between consecutive time periods and/or different scenarios, such as inventory balance, periodic shortfall, production changeover, and intermittent delivery, are relaxed into the objective function through the Lagrangean relaxation method (Fisher, 1985). Lagrangean decomposition (Guignard and Kim, 1987) is applied to the expanded stochastic model as well as the original deterministic model, decomposing them into sets of smaller and simpler subproblems. The Lagrangean multipliers are updated between consecutive iterations using the modified subgradient optimization method (Fumero, 2001). The resulting computational times and solution values from both models for many instances are then presented and compared.
Bok, J. K.; Grossmann, I. E.; Park, S., 2000, Supply chain optimization in continuous flexible process networks, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 1279-1290.
Fisher, M. L., 1985, An applications oriented guide to Lagrangian relaxation, Interfaces, 15, 2, 10-21.
Fumero, F., 2001, A modified subgradient algorithm for Lagrangean relaxation, Comp. and Oper. Res., 28, 33-52.
Guignard, M.; Kim, S., 1987, Lagrangean decomposition: A model yielding stronger Lagrangean bounds, Mathematical Programming, 39, 215-228.