The molecules of interest are n-phenyldithiols (n=3,4). As synthesized, these molecules are protected by acetyl end groups. To convert the acetyl end groups into thiols, NH4OH is added. We investigated the assembly of these molecules from ethanol/tetrahydrofuran mixtures, in addition to the pure solvents, in the presence of dilute (<35 mM) NH4OH.
To examine the surface coverage and the ensemble-average orientation of n-phenyldithiol assemblies on Au and GaAs, we carried out synchrotron-based near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS) and in-house Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) experiments. Both carbon-edge NEXAFS spectra and FTIR indicate that the n-phenyldithiol surface coverage is independent of the assembly solvent on Au. Angle-resolved NEXAFS suggest that terphenyldithiol (n=3) and quaterphenyldithiol (n=4) are preferentially oriented on Au and the molecules are tilted on average 30±3o away from the substrate normal independent of the assembly solvent. Our recent FTIR experiments concur with this preferentially upright orientation.
In contrast to Au, the surface coverage of n-phenyldithiols on GaAs is extremely solvent-sensitive. Specifically, the surface coverage decreases monotonically with decreasing ethanol volume fraction in the assembly solvent. At high ethanol volume fractions, the average orientation of terphenyl- and quaterphenyldithiols (n=3,4) is similar to that on Au, but at low ethanol fractions, all the assemblies are disordered.