
Nano and Micro-Fluidic Systems for Biological and Biomedical Applications

Shramik Sengupta, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 182 Fitzpatrick Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556

The goal of my research is to develop new technologies that employ novel fluidic and electro-kinetic strategies tailored to the micro and nano scales. I like to focus my efforts on biological / biomedical applications such as the rapid detection of pathogens, continuous physiological monitoring, genomics and proteomics. Specific projects underway include:

1.Microfluidic Analytical Separator for Proteomics (micro-ASP): The proteome (the sum of all proteins) in serum is an important indication of the patient physiology. With support from NASA, we are working with SHOT Inc. (www.shot.com), to develop a fully integrated 2-D proteomics micro-device that performs isoelectric focusing and size exclusion chromatography in fluid filled micro-channels and uses micro-impedance sensors to measure protein concentrations. This device should offer advantages in portability and automation compared to the standard 2-D gel.

2.Microfluidic Electrokinetic Prefractionator for Biomolecules (micro-E-sep): Biomarker(s) of clinical interest are often present at very low concentrations (~ ng/ml) and high abundance (but non-clinically significant) proteins need to be removed prior to analysis by 2D gel or other methods. We are developing a multi-modular microfluidic device that accepts a sample of clinical interest such as serum, and, in a short period of time (1- 6 hours) pre-fractionates it and yields sub-sample(s) that are stripped of the commonly occurring high abundance proteins AND have a greatly increased (10^3-10^4 fold) concentration of clinically significant proteins of interest. The microfluidic platform utilizes “digitized” micro-drops generated using converging immiscible flows and micro-electrodes to effect electro-kinetic transport of proteins.

3.Rapid Detection of antibiotic susceptibility of pathogenic micro-organisms: We have developed a multi-frequency reactance measurement technique that can exploit the electric field concentration within a micro-channel and the sensitivity of the bulk solution capacitance to the bacteria population to detect low concentrations (~100 CFU/ml) of bacteria in solution, and monitor their growth using. The Antibiotic susceptibility profile for a strain of E. coli has been determined in less than seven hours (compared to 2-5 days for current standards).

4.Continuous Blood glucose monitoring for ICU patients: Critically ill patients may need to have their blood glucose monitored “continuously” (once every five minutes). We have designed a microfluidic system to do so that includes a continuous micro-filtration unit that extracts cell free plasma from blood supply. In situ electro-kinetic micro-mixers ensure the prolonged operation of the device by minimizing filter cake build-up.

In addition, an area of research that I propose to explore in the future is the utilization of the unique properties of nano-structures (such as the large induced dipoles of nanowires and nanotubes and “hindered diffusion” in nano-porous membranes) to further enhance our ability to isolate and/or detect biomarkers and particles of interest.