- 10:35 AM

Ab Initio Studies of Oxygen Electroreduction on Pd and Pd/3d Metal Alloys

Eduardo J. Lamas and Perla B. Balbuena. Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M, 3122 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843

Raising oil costs, the search for clean energy sources, and the need of high capacity small sized power sources have increased the interest for inexpensive and efficient catalysts for the oxygen electroreduction reaction (OERR). Pt has been the catalyst of choice for this reaction but its high cost together with the relatively slow OERR kinetics has driven interest towards the study of less expensive and more efficient alternative catalysts. One of these possibilities is given by Pd, a transition metal located near Pt at the top of OERR catalyst efficiency plots. Palladium has a d-band center located just 1.88 eV below its Fermi level (compared with 2.36 eV for Pt) and as a consequence of that, according to the d-band theory, is known for overbinding to the OERR intermediates, thus alloys that lower the d-band center position constitute interesting possible alternative catalysts. In this work, the d-band model is applied to screen for possible Pt-free catalysts for oxygen electroreduction. We characterize various potential candidate systems through a set of Ab Initio studies using the plane wave pseudopotential formalism. The unit cell is modeled as a three layer - 4 atoms per layer Pd alloys. Periodic boundary conditions are applied in the three spatial directions and 10 Å of vacuum space is left between periodic images in the z-direction, perpendicular to the surface. We adopted the PBE functional and Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotentials to decrease the computational requirements associated with the description of inert core electrons. The plane wave cut off was set to 50Ry and the first Brillouin zone was sampled with a uniform mesh with 7x7x1 k-points. In order to facilitate convergence, fractional occupancies were allowed applying the Mazzari-Vanderbilt smearing with R = 0.0025 Ry. All simulations were performed using the quantum ESPRESSO package. The interaction of OERR intermediates with selected catalysts provides basic information to obtain free energy profiles associated to two possible reaction mechanisms.