Ye Liu, R. J. Farrauto, Chris Castellano, Gerald Koermer, and Ahmad Moini. R&D, Engelhard Corporation, 101 Wood Ave, Iselin, NJ 08830
The duty cycle for a portable power PEM fuel cell application requires frequent start-stop operations. While a commercial Cu-Zn-Al palletized catalyst for methanol steam reforming has high activity and CO2 selectivity at relatively low temperature (e.g. 250C) the activity decreases rapidly after being frequently exposed to water condensation (surface oxidation) as a result of the start-stop operation. Challenge for a catalyst, therefore, is stability to water condensation and to meet the activity and CO2 selectivity requirements. Engelhard has developed a precious metal based catalyst on a monolithic substrate that meets the requirements for this application. In this presentation, catalyst performance subject to a start-stop protocol will be presented.