The 2006 Annual Meeting
San Francisco, CA

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

9:00 AM-12:00 PM
#1 - Sunday Morning Workshop: Career Planning for Prospective Faculty (04011)
#2 - Sunday Workshop for Faculty: Developing Student Skills in Self-Assessment (04012)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#3 - Tutorial on Fuel Cell Technology (16D00)

1:00 PM-4:00 PM
#4 - Sunday Afternoon Workshop: Teaching Safety as Capstone Design (04013)

2:00 PM-5:00 PM
#5 - Meet the Faculty Candidates (04009)

3:00 PM-5:30 PM
#6 - The Future of Chemical Engineering - A Roundtable Discussion with Industrial and Government Leaders (18000)

6:00 PM-7:00 PM
#7 - 2006 AIChE Honors Ceremony (18E00)
Monday, November 13, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#8 - 22a Carbon Nanotubes I: Synthesis (TF002)
#9 - (22b) Bionanotechnology I: Plenary Session (T8005)
#10 - AES Plenary Session (T3000)
#11 - Adsorption Processes for Water Decontamination (T1016)
#12 - Advanced Oxidation Processes & Chemistries for Environmental Applications (14007)
#13 - Advances and Case Studies in Crystallization and Post-Crystallization Processing - I (02B00)
#14 - Advances in Animal and Plant Cell Culture (15C00)
#15 - Advances in Optimization I (10C01)
#16 - Approaches for Non-Viral Gene Delivery (08B09)
#17 - Biomaterials I (08B11)
#18 - Characterization of Engineered Particles and Nano-Structured Particles (03D00)
#19 - Chemical Engineering in the First Year (04A00)
#20 - Educational Software Demonstrations (04007)
#21 - Environmental Applications of Adsorption I (02E04)
#22 - Extractive Separations (02C00)
#23 - Fundamentals of Adsorption and Ion Exchange I (02E00)
#24 - Fundamentals of Protein Degradation and Stabilization (01A06)
#25 - High Throughput Biotechnologies (15D08)
#26 - In Honor of Larry Tavlarides on His 65th Birthday (06010)
#27 - Interfacial Phenomena Plenary Session (01C21)
#28 - Ionic Liquids: Thermodynamics and Transport (01A08)
#29 - Management of Projects and Project Risks (05000)
#30 - Materials Synthesis and Processing with near and Supercritical Fluids I (01F01)
#31 - Membrane Session Honoring Professor Ed Ma - I (02D02)
#32 - Membrane Tutorial I (02D10)
#33 - Modeling and Scale-up of Particle Processing (03D05)
#34 - Multiscale Systems Biology (TA004)
#35 - Nanofabrication and Nanoscale Processing (TF010)
#36 - Nanomaterials and Devices for Energy Applications (TF009)
#37 - Nanoscale Thermal Transport (01A21)
#39 - New Process Patents Class (12C01)
#40 - Novel Flows (01J00)
#41 - Plenary Session I on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot (02D11)
#42 - Plenary Session I: Us-Japan Joint Topical Conference on Medical Engineering, Drug Delivery Systems and Therapeutic Systems (TG000)
#43 - Processing of Nanocomposites (08F02)
#44 - Reaction Engineering Symposium in Memory of E.E. Petersen (20046)
#45 - Reaction Kinetics in Electronic Materials Processing (08E04)
#46 - Separation Engineering for Sustainable Processes (TE000)
#47 - Sustainability Plenary: the Challenge of Sustainable Energy (TE001)
#48 - Synthesis and Applications of Engineered Structured Particulates (03A00)
#49 - Synthetic Systems Biology I (TA005)
#50 - Tissue Engineering: Biomaterial-Cell Interactions in Tissue Engineering (I) (15D00)
#51 - Transport Processes in Multiphase Systems I (07A01)
#52 - Unit Operations: Scale up and Scale-down in Pilot Plants (T5002)

11:15 AM-12:15 PM
#53 - The Danckwerts Lecture (18001)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#54 - (22a) Carbon Nanotubes II: Characterization, Functionalization and Applications (TF003)
#55 - (22b) Nanostructured Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering (T8009)
#56 - (22b) Symposium on the 65th Birthday of Prof. Clark Colton Part I (T8006)
#57 - Advances and Case Studies in Crystallization and Post Crystallization Processing - II (02B05)
#58 - Advances in Animal and Plant Cell Culture Process Development (15C09)
#59 - Advances in Biochemical Engineering: Honoring Harvey Blanch I (15C13)
#60 - Advances in IT for Process Operations (10C08)
#61 - Advances in Optimization II (10C05)
#62 - Agglomeration and Granulation Processes I (03A02)
#63 - BioMEMS and Microfluidics: Biomedical Diagnostics (T3005)
#64 - Biological Polymers (08A07)
#65 - Biomolecules at Interfaces I - Protein-Membrane Interactions and Proteins at the Air-Water Interface (01C03)
#66 - Colloidal & Interfacial Phenomena in Aquatic Systems (T1022)
#67 - Critical Issues in Information Technology (10E00)
#68 - Curriculum Revision (04A01)
#69 - Developments in Thermochemical and Electrolytic Routes to Hydrogen Production: Part I (14000)
#70 - Dynamics and Modeling of Particles, Crystals and Agglomerate Formation (03A04)
#71 - Environmental Applications of Adsorption II (02E14)
#72 - Fundamentals of Adsorption and Ion Exchange II (02E13)
#73 - Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity (20042)
#74 - Identification and Application of New Solvents and Processes for Separations (02C01)
#75 - Incorporating New Technologies into Chemical Engineering Education (18J00)
#76 - Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems (01C07)
#77 - Invited: Alpha Chi Sigma Symposium (18E01)
#78 - Invited: In Honor of Neal Amundson's 90th Birthday, I (20016)
#79 - Invited: Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior I: Honoring the Contributions of John M. Prausnitz (01A22)
#80 - Manipulation of Nanophases by External Fields (TF017)
#81 - Materials Synthesis and Processing with near and Supercritical Fluids II (01F02)
#82 - Membrane Session Honoring Professor Ed Ma - II (02D13)
#83 - Membrane Tutorial II (02D15)
#84 - Mixing in Microdevices and Microreactors I (06008)
#85 - Multiphase Polymers in Honor of Stuart L. Cooper's 65th Birthday (08A02)
#86 - Multiscale Modeling of Nanoparticle Systems (03002)
#87 - Nanoparticle Manipulation and Separation (03D04)
#89 - Particulate and Multiphase Flow (01J01)
#90 - Plenary Session II: US - Japan Joint Topical Conference on Medical Engineering, Drug Delivery Systems and Therapeutic Systems (TG009)
#91 - Plenary Session on Opportunities and Challenges in Product Design (T7007)
#92 - Process Monitoring and Fault Detection I (10B08)
#93 - Processing of Pharmaceuticals and Neutraceuticals under High Pressure (01F04)
#94 - Properties and Characterization of Nanocomposites (08F00)
#95 - Stability and Nonlinear Hydrodynamics (01J03)
#96 - Student Poster Session: Catalysis & Reaction Engineering (04016)
#97 - Student Poster Session: Computing & Process Control (04017)
#98 - Student Poster Session: Education (04018)
#99 - Student Poster Session: Environmental (04019)
#100 - Student Poster Session: Food, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology (04020)
#101 - Student Poster Session: Fuels, Petrochemicals & Energy (04021)
#102 - Student Poster Session: General Papers (04024)
#103 - Student Poster Session: Materials Engineering & Sciences (04022)
#104 - Student Poster Session: Separations (04023)
#105 - Supercritical Fluids for Food and Pharmaceuticals (03A01)
#106 - Systems Analysis of Sustainability (TE009)
#107 - Tissue Engineering: Biomaterial-Cell Interactions in Tissue Engineering (II) (15D15)
#108 - Transport Processes in Multiphase Systems II (07A02)
#109 - Transport at Interfaces I (01C00)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#110 - (22a) Issues in Carbon Nanotubes III: Adsorption and Transport (TF004)
#111 - (22b) Nanostructured Biomimetic and Biohybrid Materials and Devices (T8007)
#112 - (22b) Polymers as Functional Components of Micro- and Nanodevices (T8002)
#113 - (22b) Symposium on the 65th Birthday of Prof. Clark Colton Part II (T8008)
#114 - Advances in Biochemical Engineering: Honoring Harvey Blanch II (15C14)
#115 - Advances in Protein Expression and Post-Translational Modification (15C20)
#116 - Agglomeration and Granulation Processes II (03A06)
#117 - Applications of Adsorption in Reactive and Non Reactive Processes (02E12)
#118 - Applications of Fluidization (03B01)
#119 - B.S. Ch E: What Is It? (04A02)
#120 - BioMEMS and Microfluidics: Sensing, Detection, and Integration (T3008)
#121 - Biomolecules at Interfaces II - Sensing and Exploiting Heterogeneities (01C14)
#122 - Co2 Separation, Capture for Sequestration, and Utilization for Sustainable Development (TE013)
#123 - Colloidal Hydrodynamics (01J02)
#124 - Computational Genomics (21015)
#125 - Data Analysis for Process Operations (10C06)
#126 - Developments in Thermochemical and Electrolytic Routes to Hydrogen Production: Part II (14001)
#127 - Dynamic Simulation & Optimization (10C04)
#128 - Engineering Fundamentals of Drug Delivery (TG001)
#129 - Entrepreneurial University - Industry Collaborations: Multidisciplinary Structures, Technology Transfer and Women in Technology (05002)
#130 - Gas Phase Synthesis of Particles (03D02)
#131 - Implantable Biomaterials in Honor of Stuart L. Cooper's 65th Birthday (08B03)
#132 - Incorporation of Product Design into Chemical Engineering Education (T7001)
#133 - Interfacial Flows I (01J04)
#134 - Intracellular Processes (15D01)
#135 - Introducing Chemical Engineering to K-12 through Experimentation and Course Integration I (04004)
#136 - Invited: In Honor of Neal Amundson's 90th Birthday, II (20025)
#137 - Invited: in Honor of Larry Smith, Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division Practice Award Recipient (20001)
#138 - Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (10E02)
#139 - Materials Synthesis and Processing with near and Supercritical Fluids III: Polymers (01F03)
#140 - Mathematical Modeling of Transport Processes (01D02)
#141 - Membrane Reactors (02D06)
#142 - Microdevices in Separations (02H00)
#143 - Mixing in Microdevices and Microreactors II (06009)
#144 - Novel Techniques for Membrane Characterization and Functionalization (02D01)
#145 - Particle Formation and Crystallization Processes from Liquids or Slurry (02B04)
#146 - Process Monitoring and Fault Detection II (10B09)
#147 - Proteomic Systems Biology (TA002)
#148 - SMB Separations Technology (02E03)
#149 - Self and Directed Assembly at the Nanoscale (TF013)
#150 - Stimuli Responsive Polymers (08A12)
#151 - Strategies in Biopharmaceutical Scale-up & Pilot Plants (T5003)
#152 - Synthetic Systems Biology II (TA008)
#153 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior II (01A04)
#154 - Transport at Interfaces II (01C08)
#155 - Utilization of DNA, Protein and Biological Cells (TG012)
#156 - Water Quality Sensing and Detection Methods (T1026)

6:00 PM-7:00 PM
#157 - SBE's James Bailey Award Lecture (18002)

6:30 PM-9:00 PM
#158 - Engineering Education Poster Session (04008)
#159 - Graduate Student Award Poster Session (21004)
#160 - Particle Technology Forum Poster Session (03001)
#161 - Pictures of Pilot Plants and University Unit Operation Labs (T5001)
#162 - Poster Session: Interfacial Phenomena (01C12)
#163 - Poster Session: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division (08001)
#164 - Poster Session: Nanoscale Science and Engineering (TF001)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#165 - (22b) Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology for Sensors I (T8001)
#166 - Advanced Oxidation Processes (T1014)
#167 - Advances in Electrokinetics and Electrophoresis - Particles and Biomolecules (T3003)
#168 - Advances in Liquid Separation Membranes and Applications (02D00)
#169 - Advances in Protein Engineering (I) (15C02)
#170 - Artificial Organs, Bioreactors and Disease Modelling (TG011)
#171 - Biomaterial and Scaffold Design for Tissue Engineering (08B04)
#172 - Biomolecules at Interfaces III - Engineered Interfaces for Implants and Sensors (01C11)
#173 - Building Drug Delivery into Tissue Engineering (15C12)
#174 - Case Studies in Product Design - I (T7005)
#175 - Catalysis with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials I (20011)
#176 - Colloidal Assembly and Fabrication (01C23)
#177 - Colloidal Dispersions I - Interactions & Assembly (01C19)
#178 - Combustion Reaction Engineering (20023)
#179 - Complex-Fluid and Bio-Fluid Dynamics I (01J07)
#180 - Composites I (08F05)
#181 - Developments in Thermochemical and Electrolytic Routes to Hydrogen Production: Part III (14002)
#182 - Disease Therapies and Diagnostics (15D02)
#183 - Distillation Honors: Zarko Olujic I (02A04)
#184 - Engineering of Novel Therapeutic Devices (TG002)
#185 - Fundamental Research in Transport Processes I (01D00)
#186 - Fundamentals of Environmental Catalysis I (20012)
#187 - Fundamentals of Fluidization I: In Honor of Prof. Bob Pfeffer on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (03B00)
#188 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena I (01C16)
#189 - Fundamentals of Nucleation (02B02)
#190 - Injectable Biomaterials (08B07)
#191 - Intellectual Property Issues in University-Industry Collaborations (05001)
#192 - Interfacial Flows II (01J05)
#193 - Laminar Mixing and Mixing Fundamentals (06007)
#194 - Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Metrics (TE008)
#195 - Membranes for Bioseparations I (02D09)
#196 - Nucleation and Growth (01A14)
#197 - PSA/TSA/LSA (02E05)
#198 - Pilot Plants in the Food and Consumer Products Industries (T5000)
#199 - Plenary Session II on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot (02G00)
#200 - Polymer Membranes for Gas Separations (02D18)
#201 - Polymer Processing and Rheology I (08A08)
#202 - Polymer Thermodynamics I (01A03)
#203 - Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces I (08A16)
#204 - Self-Assembled Biomaterials (01C13)
#205 - Special Session in Memory of Professor Koichiro Nakanishi (01A23)
#206 - Symposium Honoring CACHE Award Recipients (Invited Papers) (10001)
#207 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior III (01A05)
#208 - Thermodynamic and Transport Properties in near and Supercritical Fluids (01F06)
#209 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems I (01A09)
#210 - Transport and Reaction in Heterogeneous and Porous Systems (01D03)
#211 - Transport in Nanoporous Materials (02E11)
#212 - Tuesday Workshop: What a Che Educator Needs to Know about Bio (04014)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#213 - (22b) Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology for Sensors II (T8020)
#214 - (22b) Symposium on the 65th Birthday of Prof. Clark Colton Part III (T8010)
#215 - Advances in Biomaterials (TG003)
#216 - Advances in Distillation Modeling and Processes I (02A01)
#217 - Advances in Protein Engineering (II) (15C11)
#218 - Advances in Proteomics: New Technologies I (T3001)
#219 - Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering I (08B00)
#220 - Biomems and Biosensing (15D07)
#221 - Biomolecules at Interfaces IV - from Bacterial Adhesion to the Influence of an Electrical Potential (01C26)
#222 - CAST Plenary Session (10000)
#223 - Case Studies in Product Design - II (T7000)
#224 - Catalysis with Mesoporous and Microporous Materials II (20032)
#225 - Colloidal Dispersions II - Stability & Dispersion (01C01)
#226 - Complex-Fluid and Bio-Fluid Dynamics II (01J08)
#227 - Composites II (08F01)
#228 - Computational Studies of Self Assembly I (01A15)
#229 - Crystallization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Molecules - I (02B01)
#230 - Developments in Thermochemical and Electrolytic Routes to Hydrogen Production: Part IV (14008)
#231 - Fundamental Research in Transport Processes II (01D04)
#232 - Fundamental of Fluidization II: In Honor of Prof. Bob Pfeffer on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (03B05)
#233 - Fundamentals of Environmental Catalysis II (20034)
#234 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena II (01C17)
#235 - Gene Therapy and Delivery (I) (15D03)
#236 - Hydrogen Storage (01A11)
#237 - In Silico Systems Biology II (TA007)
#238 - Introducing Chemical Engineering to K-12 through Experimentation and Course Integration II (04002)
#239 - Invited: in Honor of Massimo Morbidelli, Wilhelm Award Recipient I (20000)
#240 - Membranes for Bioseparations II (02D16)
#241 - Mixed Matrix Membranes (02D05)
#242 - Modeling of Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Properties (08D01)
#243 - Modelling and Control for Diabetes Applications (TG007)
#244 - Molecular Simulation of Adsorption I (02E01)
#245 - Nanoparticle Synthesis and Stabilization (01C02)
#246 - National Science Foundation Workshop I (04B00)
#247 - Non-Newtonian Flows (01J06)
#248 - Novel Adsorbent Materials and Structures I (02E07)
#249 - Novel Computational and Experimental Methods in Mixing (06005)
#250 - Polymer Processing and Rheology II (08A09)
#251 - Polymer Thermodynamics II (08A04)
#252 - Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces II (01A01)
#253 - Polymeric and Other Organic Materials as Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation (02D07)
#254 - Reaction Path Analysis I (20028)
#255 - Reactions in near and Supercritical Fluids I (01F00)
#256 - Solid Liquid Interfaces (01C24)
#257 - Sustainability of Drinking Water Supply (TE007)
#258 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior IV (01A20)
#259 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems II (01A10)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#260 - (22a) Carbon Nanotubes IV (TF021)
#261 - (22b) Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology for Sensors III (T8021)
#262 - (22b) Symposium on the 65th Birthday of Prof. Clark Colton Part IV (T8016)
#263 - Advances in Biocatalysis (15C17)
#264 - Advances in Distillation Equipment & Applications (02A00)
#265 - Advances in Proteomics: New Technologies II (T3002)
#266 - Advances in Therapeutic Bionanotechnology and Devices (TG010)
#267 - Biocomposites (08F04)
#268 - Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering II (08B10)
#269 - Biomolecules at Interfaces V - Controlling and Observing Interfacial Protein Behavior (01C27)
#270 - Bioprocess Modeling and Control (15C08)
#271 - Colloidal Dispersion III - Structure & Rheology (01C10)
#272 - Computational Studies of Self Assembly II (01A02)
#273 - Computational and Numerical Approaches to Particle Flow (03B04)
#274 - Crystallization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Molecules - II (02B01)
#275 - Developments in Thermochemical and Electrolytic Routes to Hydrogen Production: Part V (14005)
#276 - Emulsions and Foams (01C25)
#277 - Fuel Cell Poster Session (TC002)
#278 - Fuel Cell Technology I (20015)
#279 - Fundamental Research in Transport Processes III (01D05)
#280 - Fundamentals of Environmental Catalysis III (20049)
#281 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena III (01C20)
#282 - Gene Therapy and Delivery (II) (15D11)
#283 - In Silico Systems Biology I (TA006)
#284 - In Silico Systems Biology III (TA009)
#285 - Inorganic Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation (02D08)
#286 - Integrated Design and Operation for Sustainability (TE010)
#287 - Invited: in Honor of Massimo Morbidelli, Wilhelm Award Recipient II (20045)
#288 - Microfluidics and Small-Scale Flows I (01J11)
#289 - Molecular Simulation of Adsorption II (02E15)
#290 - Multiscale Modeling and Characterization of Polymers (08A11)
#291 - Nano-Scale Modeling of Interfacial Systems (01C09)
#292 - National Science Foundation Workshop II (04B01)
#293 - Novel Adsorbent Materials and Structures II (02E16)
#294 - Novel Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase Mixing (06006)
#295 - Paradigms in Systems Biology (Invited) (TA000)
#296 - Particle Technology Forum Award Lectures (03000)
#297 - Polymer Processing and Rheology III (08A13)
#298 - Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces III (08A03)
#299 - Poster Session: Advances in Environmental Technology (09004)
#300 - Poster Session: Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (10D12)
#301 - Poster Session: Computers in Operations and Information Processing (10C09)
#302 - Poster Session: Recent Developments in Systems and Process Control (10B06)
#303 - Poster Session: Recent Developments in Systems and Process Design (10A00)
#304 - Property Estimation and Modeling for Product Design (T7002)
#305 - Reaction Path Analysis II (20010)
#306 - Reactions in near Critical and Supercritical Fluids II (20026)
#307 - Sensing Applications of Nanocomposites (08F03)
#308 - Size Effects in Catalysts at the Nanoscale (20043)
#309 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior V (01A17)
#310 - Thermodynamics under High Pressure (01A18)
#311 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems III (01A24)
#312 - Turbulent Flows (01J09)

6:00 PM-7:00 PM
#313 - Professional Progress Award Lecture (18003)

6:30 PM-9:00 PM
#314 - AES Poster Session (T3012)
#315 - General Poster Session on Separations (02H03)
#316 - Poster Session in Fluid Mechanics (01J10)
#317 - Poster Session on Membranes (02D12)
#318 - Poster Session: Fundamentals and Applications of Extraction (02C03)
#319 - Poster Session: Recent Developments in Crystallization and Evaporation (02B03)
#320 - Poster session: Fundamentals and Applications of Adsorption and Ion Exchange (02E02)
#321 - Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (Posters) (01A19)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#322 - (22b) Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Biomolecular Catalysis I (T8004)
#323 - (22b) Nanotechnology for Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals Industries (T8022)
#324 - (22b) Self-Assembled Biomaterials (T8013)
#325 - Advances in Adsorptive Bioseparations (02E10)
#326 - Advances in Bioseparations (15C03)
#327 - Advances in CE and Microdevice Technology for Genomic Analysis (T3009)
#328 - Advances in Energy R&D - Plant Operations Applications (18J05)
#329 - Advances in Metabolic Engineering and Bioinformatics (I) (15C15)
#330 - Advances in Real-Time Optimization (10B07)
#331 - Advances in the Pyroprocessing Based Fuel Cycle (14009)
#332 - Alternative Fuels I (20018)
#333 - Applications of Adsorption in Energy and Fuel Cell Technology (02E08)
#334 - Best Practices in Electronic Structure Calculations (21012)
#335 - Biomems and Microfluidics - Novel Applications (T3004)
#336 - Cardiovascular and Cancer (I) (15D06)
#337 - Catalytic Hydrogen Generation - General I (20006)
#338 - Cell Adhesion and Migration (I) (15D04)
#339 - Chemical Engineering Principles for Nanotechnology (TF018)
#340 - Chemical Technology Start-Ups (05003)
#341 - Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Reaction Engineering (20027)
#342 - Crossing Traditional Boundaries with Information Technology (10E01)
#343 - Distillation Honors: Zarko Olujic II (02A03)
#344 - Free Forum on Engineering Education I (04000)
#345 - Fuel Cell Technology II (TC001)
#346 - Functional Nanoparticles and Nanocoatings on Particles I (03D01)
#347 - Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis I (20004)
#348 - Innovations in Biopharmaceutical Development: Fast to Market, Short on Time I (T2011)
#349 - Integrated Product and Process Design (T7006)
#350 - Interfacial and Electrochemical Phenomena in Microfluidics and Mems Devices (01C04)
#351 - Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Plenary Session (08000)
#352 - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Thermodynamics I (01A12)
#353 - Microfluidics and Small-Scale Flows II (01J12)
#354 - Microreactors: Applications for Chemical Production (12E00)
#355 - Molecular Assemblies in Solution: From Fundamentals to Applications (AIChE-SCEJ Joined Session) (01C28)
#356 - Plenary Session I: Water Resource Conservation, Purification, Reclamation and Reuse (T1028)
#357 - Plenary Session III on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot (02G01)
#358 - Population Balance Modeling for Particle Formation Processes I: Nucleation, Aggregation and Breakage Kernels (03A03)
#359 - Process Control Applications I (10B03)
#360 - Recent Advances in Molecular Simulation Methods (01A16)
#361 - Structure and Properties of Polymers I: Polymer Blends (01A00)
#362 - Supercooled Liquids and Glasses (01A07)
#363 - Sustainable Fuels (TE003)
#364 - Therapeutic Devices, Nanotechnology and Molecular Imprinting (TG004)
#365 - Thin Films and Coatings Using near and Supercritical Fluids (01F05)
#366 - Transport Processes in Nanoscale Systems I (01D01)
#367 - Young Faculty in Catalysis and Reaction Engineering: Trends and Visions in Research and Education (20021)

11:15 AM-12:15 PM
#368 - 58th AIChE Institute Lecture (18004)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#369 - (22b) Nanomagnetics for Bioseparation (T8003)
#370 - (22b) Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Biomolecular Catalysis II (T8017)
#371 - Advanced Computations for Environmental Applications I (09001)
#372 - Advances in Distillation Modeling and Processes II (02A02)
#373 - Alternative Fuels II (20050)
#374 - Applications of Environmental Catalysis I (09005)
#375 - Biomaterials II (08B01)
#376 - Biosensors (08B05)
#377 - Biosensors and Tissue Engineering (TG005)
#378 - By Invitation: FPBE Division Plenary Lectures (15002)
#379 - Carol in Thermoland I: a Session in Honor of Carol Hall's 60th Birthday (21001)
#380 - Catalytic Hydrogen Generation - General II (20047)
#381 - Characterization of Nanoporous Materials (02E06)
#382 - Complex Multiphase Flows (01J13)
#383 - Computational Modeling of Surfaces and Surface Phenomena (01G03)
#384 - Diffusion in Polymers I (08A05)
#385 - Dynamics and Modeling of Particulate Systems I (03C01)
#386 - Emerging Cyber Infrastructure Trends and Capabilities (10E04)
#387 - Environmental Effects of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (09006)
#388 - Flow Visualization and Tomography (20035)
#389 - Free Forum on Engineering Education II (04001)
#390 - Fuel Cell Portable Power Systems I (16D02)
#391 - Functional Nanoparticles and Nanocoatings on Particles II (03D03)
#392 - Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis II (20029)
#393 - Hydrogen Production Process Design and Economics (14003)
#394 - Innovations & Opportunities in Biopharmaceutical Development-Invited Papers (T2000)
#395 - Innovations in Biopharrmaceutical Development: Fast to Market, Short on Time II (T2016)
#396 - Interfacial Phenomena in Materials Processing / Composites (01C05)
#397 - Modeling Transport through Membranes (02D04)
#398 - Molecular Modeling in Electronic Materials Processing (21003)
#399 - Nano-Energetic Materials (03E00)
#400 - Nanoscale Science and Engineering Award Lectures (TF000)
#401 - Novel Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics (10D08)
#402 - Novel Polymer Product Designs and Applications (T7010)
#403 - Plenary Session II: Water Resource Conservation, Purification, Reclamation and Reuse (T1007)
#404 - Plenary: Frontiers in Renewable Energy (TH000)
#405 - Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces V: Conducting Organics (T6002)
#406 - Process Control Applications II (10B04)
#407 - Rational Catalyst Design I (20009)
#408 - Self Assembly in Solution I (01C18)
#409 - Separations Design (10A09)
#410 - Separations in Biopharmaceutical Downstream Processing I (T2013)
#411 - Structure and Properties of Polymers II: Networks and Gels (08A14)
#412 - Sustainable Nonfuel Products/Production Systems from Biomass Resources (TE017)
#413 - Technology Roadmap: Pharmaceutical Product Development & Manufacturing I (18J01)
#414 - Transport Processes in Nanoscale Systems II (01D06)
#415 - University Collaboration Panel (12C02)

3:00 PM-6:00 PM
#416 - Separations in Biopharmaceutical Downstream Processing II (Including Pat Applications) (T2012)

3:15 PM-4:45 PM
#417 - FPBE Division Forum (15000)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#418 - (22b) Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Biotechnology and Biomedicine (T8014)
#419 - (22b) Bionanotechnology for Gene and Drug Delivery (T8012)
#420 - (22b) Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Biomolecular Catalysis III (T8018)
#421 - Adaptive/Responsive Interfaces (01C06)
#422 - Advanced Computations and Numerical Models in Water Technology and Resource Management - I (T1004)
#423 - Advanced Computations for Environmental Applications II (09013)
#424 - Advanced Hydrogen Storage Systems (14006)
#425 - Animal & Plant Cell Culture Poster Session (15004)
#426 - Applications of Environmental Catalysis II (09012)
#427 - Biocatalysis & Protein Engineering Poster Session (15003)
#428 - Biological Transport, Migration, and Adhesion Poster Session (15012)
#429 - Biomaterials III (08B12)
#430 - Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Poster Session (15013)
#431 - Biomimetics I (08B15)
#432 - Biosensors Poster Session (15007)
#433 - Carol in Thermoland II: A Session in Honor of Carol Hall's 60th Birthday (21002)
#434 - Catalytic Fuel Processing (20039)
#435 - Catalytic Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Applications I (20005)
#436 - Department Heads Forum (04K00)
#437 - Diffusion in Polymers II (02D14)
#438 - Downtream Processing Poster Session (15006)
#439 - Drug and Gene Delivery Poster Session (15014)
#440 - Dynamics and Modeling of Particulate Systems II (03C03)
#441 - Energetic Materials: Environmental and Life Cycle Issues (03E02)
#442 - Engineering Treatment and Analysis of Diseases Poster Session (15011)
#443 - Experimental Methods in Adsorption (02E09)
#444 - Fuel Cell Portable Power Systems II (16D05)
#445 - Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis III (20051)
#446 - Gerhold Plenary Session (02H04)
#447 - Green Biotechnology Poster Session (15008)
#448 - High Throughput Experimentation (20036)
#449 - Interfacial Phenomena in Conducting and Semiconducting Systems (01C15)
#450 - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Thermodynamics II (01A13)
#451 - Metabolic Engineering & Systems Biology Poster Session (15010)
#452 - Molecular Modeling of Fuel Cells and Electrochemical Systems I (21006)
#453 - Nanotechnology in Water Quality Analysis and Water Treatment (T1003)
#454 - New Faculty Forum (04M00)
#455 - Nonlinear Control Design, Analysis and Applications (10B02)
#456 - Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation (10D01)
#457 - Pharmaceutical Technology Poster Session (15009)
#458 - Population Balance Modeling for Particle Formation Processes II: Nucleation, Aggregation and Breakage Kernels (03A05)
#459 - Principles of Micropatterned Structures and Applications to Biomems (TG006)
#460 - Process Design (10A02)
#461 - Rational Catalyst Design II (20048)
#462 - Self Assembly in Solution II (01C22)
#463 - Separations Interactive Networking Poster Session Room Setup (02000)
#464 - Structure and Properties of Polymers III: Dynamics of Glass Formers (08A01)
#465 - Supply Chain Optimization (10C07)
#466 - Sustainable Biorefineries Plenary (Invited Papers) (T4007)
#467 - Sustainable Power Systems (TE002)
#468 - Technology Roadmap: Pharmaceutical Product Development & Manufacturing II (18J02)
#469 - The Toxicology of Nanomaterials (09007)
#470 - Transport Processes in Nanoscale Systems III (01D07)
#471 - Upstream Bioprocessing Poster Session (15005)
#472 - Water Sustainability and Integrated Water Resource Management (T1009)

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
#473 - Open Forum for Korean and American Chemical Engineers (18006)

6:00 PM-10:00 PM
#474 - Separations Interactive Networking Poster Session (02001)

6:30 PM-9:00 PM
#475 - General Papers on Medical Engineering, Drug Delivery and Therapeutic Systems: Poster Session (TG008)
#476 - Poster Session: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division Poster Session (20002)
Thursday, November 16, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#477 - (22b) Micro- and Nanodevices for Targeted Therapeutics I (T8015)
#478 - (22b) Nanotechnology for in Vivo and in Vitro Imaging (T8011)
#479 - Advanced Computations and Numerical Models in Water Technology and Resource Management - II (T1008)
#480 - Advanced High Temperature Systems and Materials for Hydrogen Production (14004)
#481 - Advances in Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering (20041)
#482 - Advances in Drug Delivery I (T2007)
#483 - Advances in Electrokinetics and Electrophoresis - DNA Applications (T3010)
#484 - Advances in Metabolic Engineering and Bioinformatics (II) (15C01)
#485 - Advances in Protein Structure, Function, Analysis and Stability - I (T2015)
#486 - Biomaterials IV (08B13)
#487 - Biomimetics II: Drug Delivery (08B06)
#488 - Bridging Academia and Biotechnology Industry (04006)
#489 - Cape-Open Current Status: Extensions and Improvements (TD000)
#490 - Cardiovascular and Cancer (II) (15D16)
#491 - Catalytic Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Applications II (20044)
#492 - Cell Adhesion and Migration (II) (15D12)
#493 - Circulating Fluidized Beds (03B02)
#494 - Complex and Networked Systems I (10D10)
#495 - Desalination Processes - I (T1000)
#496 - Design, Fabrication and Application of Microsensors (T9000)
#497 - Environmental Fate and Transport Processes I (09002)
#498 - Fuel Cell Portable Power Systems III (16D04)
#499 - Fuel Cell Technology III (20052)
#500 - Green Chemistry and Engineering for Sustainability (TE011)
#501 - Green Chemistry and Reaction Engineering (20024)
#502 - Green Processing and Applications Using Ionic Liquids (09008)
#503 - Management and Business Issues in Product Design (T7003)
#504 - Membranes for Hydrogen Purification (02D17)
#505 - Metabolomic Approaches to Systems Biology (TA003)
#506 - Mixing Issues in Industrial Processes I (06002)
#507 - Morphology and Structure (T6001)
#508 - Multiphase Reaction Engineering (20033)
#509 - Multiscale Modeling and Design (10A07)
#510 - Nanomaterials Process Development and Commercialization (TF019)
#511 - Nanoscale Structure in Polymers I: Self-organization of Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces (TF014)
#512 - Nanostructured Thin Films (08D00)
#513 - Novel Catalytic Materials (08D02)
#514 - Plenary Session on Computational Molecular Science and Engineering (21000)
#515 - Plenary: Frontiers in Alternative Fossil Fuels (TH001)
#516 - Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass and Interactions with Other Processing Steps I (T4002)
#517 - Processing and Safety of Energetic Materials (03E01)
#518 - Simulation and Control of Multiscale Systems I (10D06)
#519 - Site Assessment and Remediation - I (09003)
#520 - Structure and Properties of Polymers IV (08A15)
#521 - Supramolecular Assembly of Inorganic Materials I (08D06)
#522 - Sustainability (04015)

11:15 AM-12:15 PM
#523 - Special Lecture: Environmental Change (18005)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#524 - (22c) Nanowires I: Synthesis (TF005)
#525 - Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology in Water Treatment, Purification and Desalination (T1001)
#526 - Advances in Aqueous-Based Processes for Metals Separation and Purification (14010)
#527 - Advances in Drug Delivery II (T2003)
#528 - Advances in Porous Inorganic Materials I (08D04)
#529 - Advances in Protein Structure, Function, Analysis and Stability - II (T2005)
#530 - Alternative Fuels and Enabling Technologies I (16D01)
#531 - Biological Conversions and Processes for Renewable Feedstocks I (T4005)
#532 - Biomaterials for Drug Delivery I (08B02)
#533 - Biomems and Microfluidics: Proteome Analysis (T3006)
#534 - Biomimetics III: Cell-Material Interactions (08B14)
#535 - Cape-Open Unit Operations: Development and Usage (TD001)
#536 - Catalysis for Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals (20013)
#537 - Catalytic Conversion of Renewable Resources to Synthesis Gases and Pyrolysis Oils (T4001)
#538 - Collaborative Projects with Industry (04003)
#539 - Complex and Networked Systems II (10D14)
#540 - Computational Biology: Proteins and DNA (21014)
#541 - Desalination Processes - II (T1002)
#542 - Design & Synthesis of Sensor Systems (10A08)
#543 - Drug Delivery (I) (15D05)
#544 - Environmental Fate and Transport Processes II (09011)
#545 - Environmental and Industrial Sensors (T9005)
#546 - Fuel Cell Membranes I (02D03)
#547 - Fuel Cell Technology IV (TC003)
#548 - Fuel Cells: Fuel Processing I (20017)
#549 - Genomic Approaches to Systems Biology I (TA001)
#550 - Global Sustainability Strategies and Stories (TE006)
#551 - Impact of Process Intensification on Process Design (12F00)
#552 - Microreaction Engineering I (20019)
#553 - Molecular Modeling of Fuel Cells and Electrochemical Systems II (21019)
#554 - Multiphase Mixing I: Gas-Liquid Mixing (06000)
#555 - Nanoscale Structure in Polymers II: Nanostructured Polymeric Materials (TF015)
#556 - Nanostructured Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials (08D07)
#557 - Novel Reactor Design (20030)
#558 - Planning (10C02)
#559 - Polymerization Reaction Engineering, Kinetics, and Catalysis I (08A06)
#560 - Removal and Detection of Emerging Contaminants (T1024)
#561 - Simulation and Control of Multiscale Systems II (10D00)
#562 - Site Assessment and Remediation - II (09010)
#563 - Solids Handling and Processing (03C02)
#564 - Surfaces and Interfaces (T6003)
#565 - Sustainability in Product Design (T7011)
#566 - Systems Biotechnology (15C05)
#567 - Tissue Engineering: Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering (I) (15D10)
#568 - Transport Processes in Energy Systems (07A00)
#569 - Transport in Fluidized Systems (03B03)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#570 - (22b) Micro- and Nanodevices for Targeted Therapeutics II (T8019)
#571 - (22c) Nanowires II: Modeling and Fundamental Properties of Nanowires (TF006)
#572 - Advanced Methods and Concepts in Water Treatment and Production (T1005)
#573 - Advances in Computational Approaches to Systems Biology (10B10)
#574 - Advances in Porous Inorganic Materials II (08D03)
#575 - Algorithms, Applications, and Best Practices in Parallel and Grid Computing (10D13)
#576 - Alternative Fuels and Enabling Technologies II (16D03)
#577 - Biomaterial Product Design (T7009)
#578 - Biomaterials for Drug Delivery II (08B16)
#579 - Biomems and Microfluidics: Cell and Biomolecule Analysis (T3007)
#580 - Cape-Open Compliant Thermodynamic Components (TD002)
#581 - Chemical Reactor Dynamics (20031)
#582 - Computational Biology: Systems Modeling I (21017)
#583 - Design and Analysis of Green Solvent Systems (TE012)
#584 - Developments in Biobased Alternative Fuels (15C19)
#585 - Devices I (T6004)
#586 - Drug Delivery (II) (15D14)
#587 - Entrepreneurship and Legal Issues (04005)
#588 - Environmental Fate and Transport Processes III (09009)
#589 - Fuel Cell Membranes II (08A10)
#590 - Fuel Cells: Fuel Processing II (20053)
#591 - Genomic Approaches to Systems Biology II (TA010)
#592 - Health and Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles (03D06)
#593 - Homogenous and Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry (09000)
#594 - In Situ and Operando Spectroscopy of Catalysts (20014)
#595 - Life Cycle Analysis of Renewable Feedstock-Based Processes and Products (T4006)
#596 - Microreaction Engineering II (20020)
#597 - Mixing and Segregation (03C00)
#598 - Model Reduction, Simulation and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (10D09)
#599 - Modeling and Simulation of Fuel Cells and Organic-Semiconductor Systems (21008)
#600 - Multi-Functional Drug Delivery Systems (T2008)
#601 - Multiphase Mixing II: Solid-Liquid & Liquid-Liquid Mixing (06001)
#602 - Multiscale Modeling I (21005)
#603 - Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superlattices (08D05)
#604 - Nanoscale Structure in Polymers III: Polymer Nanocomposites (TF016)
#605 - Novel Electrochemistry and Materials for Fuel Cells I (TC000)
#606 - Novel Membranes and Membrane Processes for Water Treatment and Production (T1006)
#607 - Plasma Processing I - Co-Sponsored by the American Vacuum Society (08E02)
#608 - Polymerization Reaction Engineering, Kinetics and Catalysis II (20022)
#609 - Protein Product Drug Formulation and Delivery (T2014)
#610 - Scheduling (10C00)
#611 - Separation of Processing Streams Derived from Renewable Feedstocks (T4003)
#612 - Tissue Engineering: Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering (II) (15D13)
#613 - Transport Phenomena in Electronic Materials Processing (08E03)
#614 - Transport Phenomena in Fluid-Particle Systems (07000)
#615 - Water Treatment and Characterization - Novel Methods and Non-Traditional Water Sources (T1021)
Friday, November 17, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#616 - Advances in Co Hydrogenation I (20040)
#617 - Advances in Computational Methods and Numerical Analysis I (10D02)
#618 - Advances in Electrokinetics and Electrophoresis - Fundamentals (T3011)
#619 - Advances in Environmental Technology: Green Bioprocessing (15C04)
#620 - Advances in Extreme Biocatalysis (15C18)
#621 - Alternative Fuels and Enabling Technologies III (16D06)
#622 - Applied Mathematics in Bioengineering I (10D04)
#623 - Biological Conversions and Processes for Renewable Feedstocks II (T4008)
#624 - Biosensors I: Cancer and Biotoxin Detection (T9002)
#625 - Biotechnology Tutorial & Panel Discussion (T2009)
#626 - Cape-Open Numerical Components: Development and Usage (TD003)
#627 - Computational Biology: Systems Modeling II (21018)
#628 - Computational Catalysis I (20007)
#629 - Design, Analysis and Operations under Uncertainty I (10A04)
#630 - Devices II (T6005)
#631 - Fuel Cell and Microchemical Sytems Modeling (10D05)
#632 - Green Materials: Forest and Biobased Products I (17001)
#633 - Industrial Innovation in Process Design & Operations (10A01)
#634 - Mixing Issues in Industrial Processes II (06003)
#635 - Multifunctional Reactors (20037)
#636 - Multiscale Modeling II (21007)
#637 - Nano-Biotechnology: Development, Application, and Societal Impacts on Sustainability (TE014)
#638 - Nanoelectronic Materials (TF011)
#639 - Novel Electrochemistry and Materials for Fuel Cells II (TC004)
#640 - Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces IV (08A00)
#641 - Process Development Tools for Pharmaceutical Process Development (T2004)
#642 - Process Modeling and Identification I (10B11)
#643 - Properties and Design of Biobased Products (17003)
#644 - Reactor Engineering for Biomass Feedstocks (T4004)
#645 - Receptor Mediated Phenomena (15E00)
#646 - Semiconductor Surface Chemistry (01G04)
#647 - Supramolecular Assembly of Inorganic Materials II (TF012)
#648 - Sustainable Engineering in Process Development (12A00)
#649 - The Third Industrial Fluid Properties Simulation Challenge (21016)
#650 - Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis I, In Honor of Robert J. Madix (01G00)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#651 - (22c) Nanowires III: Integration of Nanowires (TF007)
#652 - Advances in Co Hydrogenation II (20054)
#653 - Advances in Computational Methods and Numerical Analysis II (10D15)
#654 - Advances in Nonlinear Control (10B05)
#655 - Alternative Fuels and Enabling Technologies IV (16D07)
#656 - Applied Mathematics in Bioengineering II (10D07)
#657 - Biosensors II: Optical and Implantable Devices (T9003)
#658 - Chemical Vapor Deposition I (08E00)
#659 - Computational Biology: Membrane Phenomenology (21013)
#660 - Computational Catalysis II (20008)
#661 - Control of polymorphism of APIs or broader value-added materials (T2001)
#662 - Design, Analysis and Operations under Uncertainty II (10A10)
#663 - Development of Intermolecular Potential Models (21009)
#664 - Experimental Verification of Multiphase Reaction Engineering Models (20038)
#665 - Green Materials: Forest and Biobased Products II (17000)
#666 - Industrial Applications of Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulations I (21010)
#667 - Mixing and Chemical Reaction (06004)
#668 - Modeling for PAT (12C00)
#669 - Nanomaterials: Development, Application, and Societal Impacts on Sustainability (TE015)
#670 - Nanoscale Structure in Polymers IV: Polymer Nanocomposites (TF020)
#671 - Novel Electrochemistry and Materials for Fuel Cells III (TC005)
#672 - Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass and Interactions with Other Processing Steps II (T4009)
#673 - Process Engineering of Biobased Products, Paper and Forest Products (17002)
#674 - Process Intensification (10A05)
#675 - Process Modeling and Identification II (10B12)
#676 - Product Design (10A03)
#677 - Solid Dosage Form Design - Formulation and Process Development (T2006)
#678 - Synthesis and Materials Design (T6002)
#679 - Systems Engineering Approaches in Biology I (10C03)
#680 - Tissue Engineering: Bioreactor Studies (08B08)
#681 - Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis II, In Honor of Robert J. Madix (01G01)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#682 - (22c) Nanowires IV: Applications of Nanowires (TF008)
#683 - Advances in Cell Culture and Bioreactors (T2010)
#684 - Application of Engineering Fundamentals to API Process Development - PAT Applications (T2002)
#685 - Atomic Layer Deposition (08E05)
#686 - Biosensors III: Saw Devices and Sensor Development (T9004)
#687 - Chemical and Catalytic Conversions and Processes for Renewable Feedstocks (T4000)
#688 - Computational Catalysis III (20055)
#689 - Design of Biological, Pharmaceutical and Alternative Energy Systems (10A06)
#690 - Fundamentals of Oxide Catalysis (20003)
#691 - Green Materials: Forest and Biobased Products III (17005)
#692 - Industrial Applications of Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulations II (21011)
#693 - Monitoring and Control of Polymer Processes (10B01)
#694 - Nanoscale Structure in Polymers V (TF022)
#695 - Numerical Methods for Molecular and Mesoscopic Systems (10D11)
#696 - Patterning and Processing (T6000)
#697 - Process Intensification for Sustainability (TE016)
#698 - Simulation and Control of Electronic Materials Manufacturing Processes (10D03)
#699 - Systems Engineering Approaches in Biology II (10C10)
#700 - Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis III, In Honor of Robert J. Madix (01G02)
#701 - Wood Biorefinery Processes and Products (17004)

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