Separations Division
Click here to view a list of sessions co-sponsored by Separations Division

Monday, November 13, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#13 - Advances and Case Studies in Crystallization and Post-Crystallization Processing - I (02B00)
#21 - Environmental Applications of Adsorption I (02E04)
#22 - Extractive Separations (02C00)
#23 - Fundamentals of Adsorption and Ion Exchange I (02E00)
#31 - Membrane Session Honoring Professor Ed Ma - I (02D02)
#32 - Membrane Tutorial I (02D10)
#41 - Plenary Session I on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot (02D11)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#57 - Advances and Case Studies in Crystallization and Post Crystallization Processing - II (02B05)
#71 - Environmental Applications of Adsorption II (02E14)
#72 - Fundamentals of Adsorption and Ion Exchange II (02E13)
#74 - Identification and Application of New Solvents and Processes for Separations (02C01)
#82 - Membrane Session Honoring Professor Ed Ma - II (02D13)
#83 - Membrane Tutorial II (02D15)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#117 - Applications of Adsorption in Reactive and Non Reactive Processes (02E12)
#141 - Membrane Reactors (02D06)
#142 - Microdevices in Separations (02H00)
#144 - Novel Techniques for Membrane Characterization and Functionalization (02D01)
#145 - Particle Formation and Crystallization Processes from Liquids or Slurry (02B04)
#148 - SMB Separations Technology (02E03)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#168 - Advances in Liquid Separation Membranes and Applications (02D00)
#183 - Distillation Honors: Zarko Olujic I (02A04)
#189 - Fundamentals of Nucleation (02B02)
#195 - Membranes for Bioseparations I (02D09)
#197 - PSA/TSA/LSA (02E05)
#199 - Plenary Session II on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot (02G00)
#200 - Polymer Membranes for Gas Separations (02D18)
#211 - Transport in Nanoporous Materials (02E11)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#216 - Advances in Distillation Modeling and Processes I (02A01)
#229 - Crystallization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Molecules - I (02B01)
#240 - Membranes for Bioseparations II (02D16)
#241 - Mixed Matrix Membranes (02D05)
#244 - Molecular Simulation of Adsorption I (02E01)
#248 - Novel Adsorbent Materials and Structures I (02E07)
#253 - Polymeric and Other Organic Materials as Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation (02D07)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#264 - Advances in Distillation Equipment & Applications (02A00)
#274 - Crystallization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Molecules - II (02B01)
#285 - Inorganic Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation (02D08)
#289 - Molecular Simulation of Adsorption II (02E15)
#293 - Novel Adsorbent Materials and Structures II (02E16)

6:30 PM-9:00 PM
#315 - General Poster Session on Separations (02H03)
#317 - Poster Session on Membranes (02D12)
#318 - Poster Session: Fundamentals and Applications of Extraction (02C03)
#319 - Poster Session: Recent Developments in Crystallization and Evaporation (02B03)
#320 - Poster session: Fundamentals and Applications of Adsorption and Ion Exchange (02E02)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#325 - Advances in Adsorptive Bioseparations (02E10)
#333 - Applications of Adsorption in Energy and Fuel Cell Technology (02E08)
#343 - Distillation Honors: Zarko Olujic II (02A03)
#357 - Plenary Session III on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot (02G01)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#372 - Advances in Distillation Modeling and Processes II (02A02)
#381 - Characterization of Nanoporous Materials (02E06)
#397 - Modeling Transport through Membranes (02D04)

3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#437 - Diffusion in Polymers II (02D14)
#443 - Experimental Methods in Adsorption (02E09)
#446 - Gerhold Plenary Session (02H04)
#463 - Separations Interactive Networking Poster Session Room Setup (02000)

6:00 PM-10:00 PM
#474 - Separations Interactive Networking Poster Session (02001)
Thursday, November 16, 2006

8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#504 - Membranes for Hydrogen Purification (02D17)

12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#546 - Fuel Cell Membranes I (02D03)

See more of The 2006 Annual Meeting