Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
to view a list of sessions co-sponsored by Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Monday, November 13, 2006
8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#24 - Fundamentals of Protein Degradation and Stabilization (01A06)
#27 - Interfacial Phenomena Plenary Session (01C21)
#28 - Ionic Liquids: Thermodynamics and Transport (01A08)
#30 - Materials Synthesis and Processing with near and Supercritical Fluids I (01F01)
#37 - Nanoscale Thermal Transport (01A21)
#40 - Novel Flows (01J00)
12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#65 - Biomolecules at Interfaces I - Protein-Membrane Interactions and Proteins at the Air-Water Interface (01C03)
#76 - Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems (01C07)
#79 - Invited: Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior I: Honoring the Contributions of John M. Prausnitz (01A22)
#81 - Materials Synthesis and Processing with near and Supercritical Fluids II (01F02)
#89 - Particulate and Multiphase Flow (01J01)
#93 - Processing of Pharmaceuticals and Neutraceuticals under High Pressure (01F04)
#95 - Stability and Nonlinear Hydrodynamics (01J03)
#109 - Transport at Interfaces I (01C00)
3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#121 - Biomolecules at Interfaces II - Sensing and Exploiting Heterogeneities (01C14)
#123 - Colloidal Hydrodynamics (01J02)
#133 - Interfacial Flows I (01J04)
#139 - Materials Synthesis and Processing with near and Supercritical Fluids III: Polymers (01F03)
#140 - Mathematical Modeling of Transport Processes (01D02)
#153 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior II (01A04)
#154 - Transport at Interfaces II (01C08)
6:30 PM-9:00 PM
#162 - Poster Session: Interfacial Phenomena (01C12)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#172 - Biomolecules at Interfaces III - Engineered Interfaces for Implants and Sensors (01C11)
#176 - Colloidal Assembly and Fabrication (01C23)
#177 - Colloidal Dispersions I - Interactions & Assembly (01C19)
#179 - Complex-Fluid and Bio-Fluid Dynamics I (01J07)
#185 - Fundamental Research in Transport Processes I (01D00)
#188 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena I (01C16)
#192 - Interfacial Flows II (01J05)
#196 - Nucleation and Growth (01A14)
#202 - Polymer Thermodynamics I (01A03)
#204 - Self-Assembled Biomaterials (01C13)
#205 - Special Session in Memory of Professor Koichiro Nakanishi (01A23)
#207 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior III (01A05)
#208 - Thermodynamic and Transport Properties in near and Supercritical Fluids (01F06)
#209 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems I (01A09)
#210 - Transport and Reaction in Heterogeneous and Porous Systems (01D03)
12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#221 - Biomolecules at Interfaces IV - from Bacterial Adhesion to the Influence of an Electrical Potential (01C26)
#225 - Colloidal Dispersions II - Stability & Dispersion (01C01)
#226 - Complex-Fluid and Bio-Fluid Dynamics II (01J08)
#228 - Computational Studies of Self Assembly I (01A15)
#231 - Fundamental Research in Transport Processes II (01D04)
#234 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena II (01C17)
#236 - Hydrogen Storage (01A11)
#245 - Nanoparticle Synthesis and Stabilization (01C02)
#247 - Non-Newtonian Flows (01J06)
#252 - Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces II (01A01)
#255 - Reactions in near and Supercritical Fluids I (01F00)
#256 - Solid Liquid Interfaces (01C24)
#258 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior IV (01A20)
#259 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems II (01A10)
3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#269 - Biomolecules at Interfaces V - Controlling and Observing Interfacial Protein Behavior (01C27)
#271 - Colloidal Dispersion III - Structure & Rheology (01C10)
#272 - Computational Studies of Self Assembly II (01A02)
#276 - Emulsions and Foams (01C25)
#279 - Fundamental Research in Transport Processes III (01D05)
#281 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena III (01C20)
#288 - Microfluidics and Small-Scale Flows I (01J11)
#291 - Nano-Scale Modeling of Interfacial Systems (01C09)
#309 - Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior V (01A17)
#310 - Thermodynamics under High Pressure (01A18)
#311 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems III (01A24)
#312 - Turbulent Flows (01J09)
6:30 PM-9:00 PM
#316 - Poster Session in Fluid Mechanics (01J10)
#321 - Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (Posters) (01A19)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#350 - Interfacial and Electrochemical Phenomena in Microfluidics and Mems Devices (01C04)
#352 - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Thermodynamics I (01A12)
#353 - Microfluidics and Small-Scale Flows II (01J12)
#355 - Molecular Assemblies in Solution: From Fundamentals to Applications (AIChE-SCEJ Joined Session) (01C28)
#360 - Recent Advances in Molecular Simulation Methods (01A16)
#361 - Structure and Properties of Polymers I: Polymer Blends (01A00)
#362 - Supercooled Liquids and Glasses (01A07)
#365 - Thin Films and Coatings Using near and Supercritical Fluids (01F05)
#366 - Transport Processes in Nanoscale Systems I (01D01)
12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#382 - Complex Multiphase Flows (01J13)
#383 - Computational Modeling of Surfaces and Surface Phenomena (01G03)
#396 - Interfacial Phenomena in Materials Processing / Composites (01C05)
#408 - Self Assembly in Solution I (01C18)
#414 - Transport Processes in Nanoscale Systems II (01D06)
3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#421 - Adaptive/Responsive Interfaces (01C06)
#449 - Interfacial Phenomena in Conducting and Semiconducting Systems (01C15)
#450 - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Thermodynamics II (01A13)
#462 - Self Assembly in Solution II (01C22)
#470 - Transport Processes in Nanoscale Systems III (01D07)
Friday, November 17, 2006
8:30 AM-11:00 AM
#646 - Semiconductor Surface Chemistry (01G04)
#650 - Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis I, In Honor of Robert J. Madix (01G00)
12:30 PM-3:00 PM
#681 - Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis II, In Honor of Robert J. Madix (01G01)
3:15 PM-5:45 PM
#700 - Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis III, In Honor of Robert J. Madix (01G02)
See more of
The 2006 Annual Meeting